Fire & Ice
Politics, culture, and other oddities.

Sunday, November 26, 2000

I knew I couldn't last too long without talking about college. But I tried -- at least give me credit for that.
Ready for my random ruminations? Well, ready or not...
I think college is a great thing. I'm looking forward to it. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to study what I want, to learn lots of interesting things, to meet a myriad of new & interesting people, to grow.... shit. I sound like a college brochure. I really can't help it. I would like to assure you that I have not been hired by any sort of Association of American Universities (or something like that) to spout empty rhetoric promoting college attendance to the millions who read this blog daily (that's a joke, a JOKE, at my own expense;). I truly am, personally, extremely excited to go to college.
I do, however, think it's rather silly when people get so set on one single college they're sure it's the only place they'll be happy. That's just not true, and, if I may be so presumptuous (and so redundant), downright wrong. Thus, to try to avoid being hypocritical (which I think may be inevitable), I have concluded that I, personally, will be perfectly happy at any one of ten or so schools. That's not to say that I don't have a clearly-defined first choice -- au contraire, I do I do -- but just to assert that if I don't get in there, I can acknowledge, however grudgingly, that I will be happy elsewhere as well.
It's an insane rat race, and, in the heat of it all, I'm trying not to lose sight of what's really important. What's really important? Well, what's always been important... the people I love. (Give me a ten out of ten for the cheesy comments score for the day!) Honestly though, people mean so much more to me than numbers. I won't lie to myself -- I want to go to a good college. But for me, that's not the be-all end-all of life. Why, it's only the beginning. (Raise the bar! Eleven out of ten! I am the queen of cheese.)
Don't worry. This is certainly not the last of my college comments. How does that quote go? "It is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but perhaps it is the end of the beginning." Nope, not even the end of the beginning. Sorry.
:: posted at 11/26/2000 11:56:00 PM | link | | ^top